
Showing posts from December, 2019

Post-Mortem of Labour's Defeat

Following the General Election, Labour is in disarray. While it eats itself alive, I am thinking about how it became unelectable and whether this was avoidable? If we listen to the crashes and bangs of the current row, two distinct arguments can be heard. On the one side we have the Corbynistas, who claim Brexit decided the result; and on the other we have the Remainers, who claim Corbyn decided the result. Who is right? I think we have to see behind the shouting match. Taking Corbyn first, in my view it is obvious he contributed to the defeat. He is the public face of the Labour Party. His persona is what people associate with the party. You can make the same case for Johnson and the Tories. Corbynism reached its peak after the General Election 2017. His popularity has been on the decline ever since. He entered the 2019 election with horrendous personal ratings . Multiple polls back up this assertion. Given that his popularity was undeniably poor, the question becomes more about ...