Brexit and the war of ideas
It is chilling to note that the Withdrawal Agreement Bill passed through the commons with nothing more than a whisper. Where did all the hot air suddenly go? It seems to me that this brief period of calm is an illusion. The government, more specifically Dominic Cummings, is adept at fanning the flames when it wants to and then calming them down when people should look the other way. These conjuring tricks, so obviously perpetrated, seem to be doing very well in beguiling the unquestioning masses. My view is that the tricks we are seeing are part of a roughly worked plan. It derives from a government that seeks to win by changing ideas more than it does by having coherent policies. Brexit, in these terms, is the Trojan Horse. It may have arisen haphazardly from a rightwing loathing for the EU, however misplaced, but it has become the main vehicle for bringing in the ideas needed to coerce a rightwing victory of ideas. I make this point explicitly because it makes sense of what most pro-...